Ember Defender Roof Mount Sprinkler Kit

The Ember Defender Mk2 Sprinkler Kit is designed to reduce the impact of ember attack on your home in the event of a bushfire.

Ember Defender Mk2 Roof Sprinkler
Ember Defender bushfire sprinkler connecting roof sprinklers roof mounted bushfire sprinkler action

Roof Mount Sprinkler Kit

AUD $39.95

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The unique design of the Ember Defender allows installation to all roof types, with an adjustable base to suit the pitch of your roof. Multiple units are required for a typical installation. Please see our FAQ and Installation pages for further information.

*CSIRO state that over 90 percent of all houses burnt in a bushfire are caused by ember attack and not radiant heat or flame.

Product Reviews (2)

  • I am in the fire zone in the Derwent Valley and had dead embers raining down, so I got to see first hand how they performed and I must say they were very impressive. It looks like we are in for more trouble ahead so they will stay on the roof ready to go!

    Trish, Tasmania

  • We purchased and installed Ember Defender prior to the 14-15 Fire Season. The system is very easy to install, requiring the fitting of the units to the ridge capping of the house., and linking of them via poly pipe or by use of high quality garden hose with brass fittings.

    David and Moira Waye